"Destinazione Libertà", a fan of themed aspects
1 resistenza
In Italy "Destinazione Libertà" is synonymous with the "resistanza", the resistance to fascism and its excesses.
Under this title, Franco Nardella writes about the fight against the fascist system in the past, but also the flaring right-wing extremist tendencies in the country and worldwide. He speaks of the fact that nothing has yet been won despite all the sacrifices of that time and that there is still a long way to go: ".... il cammino è ancora lungo ..."
The old, new topic is also reflected in the next aspect:
2 On the run to freedom
Europe has been flooded with refugees from war zones and economically ruined regions for years, and it is hardly master of the situation.
In rich European countries, one is afraid of "the stranger", afraid of being overwhelmed and having to share with the newcomers.
New right-wing tendencies are thus strengthened and are gaining broader base in the population of all states.
What the refugees often have to report about their path of persecution, repression, imprisonment and torture in a supposed freedom in Europe, must also touch the "rich West", which has often caused the conditions in their home countries.
The opposition tension is not called north-south or inside-outside, but poor-rich. The freedom that the fugitives hoped for is deceptive.
3 On the way to the unknown, freedom beyond the sea
In the past century, many southern Italians from Sicily, the Aeolian Islands and Calabria left their villages to emigrate to America or Canada. The driving forces were bad harvests, on the Aeolians the phylloxera, which destroyed all grapevines and thus the wealth and generally the crushing poverty. Hardly anyone goes away from home to seek and find a new, better life abroad that is not driven by hardship.
In Austria, many Burgenlanders and East Styrians emigrated to Canada, the USA and Australia for similar reasons.
The exodus is always painful, one leaves a lot on the way to freedom.
Freedom is not only the gain of new land and "better life", but also the pain and separation of the familiar, the grown, left behind.
4 Astrophysics and quantum physics, departure into the most radical freedom of mind of our century
While physics, as the queen of science, has for centuries been a realm of iron, indisputable laws, today it is the most speculative "discipline" populated by phantasms and unimaginable theories, with the very word discipline in sharp contrast to the proliferation of hypotheses, proofs, and theories To the contrary, to the thought-buildings which leave the layman standing in front of a gate with seven seals, stands as:
- The string theory, which calculates up to 24 dimensions, some of which aim at the unimaginably smallest, folded in a complicated way, others that should exist directly next to us, only separated from our world by a kind of membrane .....
- Particles that have no mass, particles that are in two places at the same time, particles that are connected, synchronized with others across the universe, communicating with each other and "knowing" each other ....
- and then the unimaginable vastness, our universe with billions of galaxies, of which ours is insignificant,
- black holes, at the edges of which time stands still,
- the idea of multiverses long taken for granted by a large number of astrophysicists
- and the idea that instead of our one, singularly believed life, living in other universes, a completely different variant, simply because we have decided freely for another species of our self,
- an unimaginable process of becoming and passing away in the gigantic-sized and tiny-tiny,
- a freedom that is so anonymous and multi-layered that makes you shudder.
5 Freedom of research - the feasibility delusion
The research is free.
Should it be? Example of genetic engineering.
Designer babies who will form a new master race because they are nicer, smarter, more assertive than the dull, imperfect mass?
Nobel prize for a researcher who invented a highly affordable and accurate "cutting tool" for DNA that will be used in every tiled garage for who knows what "creations"?
Dinosaur DNA that is to be brought back to life.
Is the movie scene of people fleeing from the murderous and voracious T-Rex just an anticipation of much of the novels of Jules Verne?
6 Freedom of the private, data - the new gold
Credit rating, career, age, putative weight, politically left or right, peer group, which beer I drink and how many times a box walks in the trunk, single or couple, kids or not, where I was on vacation, where I want to go on vacation, Sexual likes & dislikes, hang-out, pollen allergy, Titaniumknee, physiotherapy or running group, alleged health in general, grades in the highschool graduation certificate, we do not want to know what is "known" about us!
Whether I agree with the use of cookies?
No, hell! But do not you say yes, you do not get anywhere.
The net has long been around us.
7 Overindividualization, freedom in a society of loners
Never before in our cultural environment has the precedence of the individual before belonging to a group or association been so pronounced.
We live in an optional society in which hardly anyone wants to commit themselves because their freedom to spontaneously follow a possibly better option would be limited. Often one hears, - inviting somebody, the vage answer: In the meantime, I have nothing planned! Or: Meanwhile, nothing is on the program.
This bond and pact inability goes deep into the couple relationships.
A non-binding, loose and always solvable relationship that is "easy" and "uncomplicated" is preferred. You want "fun," whatever that may be.
Styling - Party - Drugs - Fun.
The hunt for the best possible entertainment without consequences. Fluctuation between adrenaline junk and chillout.
At the same time, however, the claim to freedom that enshrines law as the law makes one lonely at the same time. The next day. The human being as a social being can not bear this.
Therefore, all social medias are endeavored to become drug addicts, one enters into virtual bonds and beams into a false world.
Mobile phone away - person in bucket.
8 Above the clouds
"Above the clouds, freedom must be limitless ...", so an old song begins.
Man and flying, the old dream of rising into the air, perhaps fueled by an ancient heritage in our brains, because part of us is also a bird.
The tragic failure of Icarus in the pursuit of this dream, a "too high-willing, haughtiness comes before the fall ......
The desire to glide through the air is probably the purest experience in kite or gliding or in the other extreme, when it presses in the fighter jet with 8G in the seat .....
The population of the heavens is not yet old, resurrected ancestors would be amazed what moves in the air around the globe.
I think that "freedom destination" should be equivalent to "knowledge destination".
I do not believe that men are born free, you can be born in a rich or poor family, with parents who love you or not, in a warm or cold city, in a country full of greenery, sea, lakes and mountains or in a desert, in a democratic or dictatorial country and so on from the beginning there are paths with more or less steep climbs or, for some, downhill.
We can decide to subdue or fight against adversity, the only fight even without guarantees of victory will make us feel free people, we can dream of things that no one dreams of, but if we decide to try to realize them even if we finally can not do it, we will feel free people.
To fight and dream we need knowledge, only with this we can realize our state and decide whether to stay or where to go and with whom to go.
From book Specchi by Eduardo Galeano
"The human journey in the world began in Africa. From there our ancestors began the conquest of the planet. The different paths founded the different destinies, and the sun had the task of assigning the colors. Now we women and we men, rainbows of the earth, have more colors of the rainbow of the sky; but we are all African immigrants. Even the whiter whites come from Africa. Perhaps we refuse to remember our common origin because racism produces amnesia, or because it is impossible for us to believe that in those remote times the whole world was our kingdom, immense map without borders, and our legs were the only required passport ".
From book In comune:
The African people have a miserable choice: to die of violence and poverty at home, or risk their lives in the Mediterranean, in an exodus of biblical dimensions.
They are revolutionary subjects because they do not say, but they do, they put their bodies into play, they use hands and feet, they fight for life giving life, they pursue an end that if achieved is not only for them, but for everyone, because it would be a different world and maybe this will be achieved for others, not by them. This is why they are revolutionary, and they are non-violent because they do not question the system with weapons, but they reveal their obtuseness and injustice with simple moving, going, challenging the sea but also torture and concentration camps.
They make conscientious objection to a world that does not want them.
The exodus across the Mediterranean is not only the result of current miseries, it is the consequence of the greatest crime in the history of humanity: a crime perpetrated by Portugal, Spain, England, France, Belgium. A crime that caused, according to former UN head Kofi Annan, more than 250 million (black) deaths, twice the (white) deaths in the two world wars.
A word summarizes the African tragedy: exploitation.
The incessant raid of resources - human, mining, agricultural - began in the fifteenth century, with Portugal, Spain, England and France that trade spices and, increasingly, human beings.
In the '600 British and French transported spices, sugar, cotton and coffee in Europe and black slaves in the Americas; in 1713 London gets the almost monopoly of slave trade across the Atlantic (at the end of the '700 there are about 100 million Africans made slaves)
After decades of struggle, the anti-slavery movement prevails: in 1807 the United Kingdom decreed the end of international human trafficking and in the following year the US also joined. (it is not the end of slavery, but the end of transport in the Atlantic).
In the 19th century Africa is considered the solution of the European crisis, thanks to its great resources: copper, diamonds, gold and tin in the subsoil; cotton and rubber on the surface; also begins the raid of ivory and rubber with twenty-thirty thousand elephants killed annually.
Personal interests also come into play, Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) becomes a private property of an Englishman, the king of Belgium Leopold II declares the personal property of Congo. In 1884 the Kaiser Wilhelm II convened the Berlin conference during which the European powers divided the continent: an agreement that lasted until 1914.
To date, European countries that erect walls and barbed wire against African immigrants continue to plunder Africa's raw materials. Not only gold and oil, but above all rare minerals: uranium, colt, niobium, tantalum and casserite, necessary in mobile electronics and missile technology.
The Pope speaks of charity. The Italian government of solidarity. But if one recognizes that it is the various European countries and America that have caused the African drama, perhaps it would be better to talk about compensation.